animobnoxious (a'•nihm•uhb•no''•kshus) adj. - Having a web page so overloaded with animated graphics that it causes download times to stretch out into eternity. animophobia n. - Fear or intense dislike of web pages with excessive animation. [Zotin Khuma] animophobic, animophobe n. - one who suffers from animophobia. [Zotin Khuma] bikinipolydevimorphism (bi•ki•ni•po•ly•de•vi•morph•ism) n. - The condition of a woman who is comfortable in public in her skimpy bikini swimsuit but would be mortified to be seen in her nearly identical underwear that in fact covers slightly more than the swimsuit does. bootie n. - What you gettie when you don't conformie after receiving a chatstisement. [Kevin Hite] brokenrecordaphism n. - The act of repeating something over and over as if no one heard you, when really they did; they just chose not to respond. [-Beauty for Ashes-] capitalist n. - One who's keyboard has the CAPS-LOCK key stuck. [Kevin Hite] chatstise v. - The act (of an Op) in correcting a chatter for a fault or offense. (also chatstised, chatstising, chatstisement, etc.) [Kevin Hite] circumphonophobia (cir"•cum•pho'•no•pho"•bi•a) n. - Inability to answer the phone for fear of being cut off. [Mitch Marcus] compnoxious (comp'•nah•kshus) adj. - The behavior of someone who owns a better or newer computer than you do and rubs your nose in it. compucide (com''•pyu•side') n. - The act of eliminating one's frustrations by eliminating one's computer. dah (dah') • v. - The act of making a noise to make someone feel stupid. [Derek Peters] debug (de'•bug) v. - To spray raid all over a certain area. [Derek Peters] definoxious (de'•fin•nah''•kshus) adj. - one who submits many, many definitions to the ersatz dictionary [Corey Tracey] diagostupid (di•a"•go•stu'•pid) • n. - The meandering trail of a drunk that aims for the ground floor front door but ends up leading out the second story window. [Mara] dismaid (dis'•mayd) n. - Feeling unhappy about the cleaning service's poor effort. [Kelly] elmodem (el•mo'•dem) n. - The Spanish word for modem. [Sarah Armistead] elmodom (el'•mo•dom) n. - The state of a child after watching too much Sesame Street. [Sarah Armistead] enblissen (en•bliss'•en) v. - To add bliss to someone's existance. To cause them to be happier than they were before. eyedropping n. - The act of spying on one you love (usually in a compromising position) [Laurie Valdes] fan club n. - An instrument to be used for beating up fans that don't work properly. [Derek Peters] fibulator (fih''•byoo•lay'•ter) n. - A device that fibulates. [OutCat] javnoxious (jahv•nah'•kshus) adj. - The behavior of a web page so overloaded with JavaScript that it takes forever to load and gets laggy. [OutCat] kiddens (kih'•denz) n. - What your cats become when you have no children. leftlaniac (left•layn''•ee•ahk') n. - One who insists on driving at 30mph in the left lane and won't budge. meeter-reader n. - One who constantly logs into chatrooms just so everyone will (((GREET))) them. (see also: meet-lover) [Kevin Hite] nitwiticisms (nit'•wit•ic•isms'') n. - The sort of phrases you're likely to hear in a conversation when both you and the other party know they don't know what they're talking about. [Mara] obnox (uhb•noks') v. - To act in an obnoxious manner towards someone. - To cause someone to feel that you are obnoxious. obnoxion (uhb•nah'•kshun) n. - The act of obnoxing someone else. - Behaviour which causes someone else to be obnoxed. opberate (op'•be•rayt") v. - The act of being an opberater. [Kevin Hite] opberater (op'•be•rayt"•er) n. - Usually, one who gets a bootie. [Kevin Hite] ownoxious (o'•nah•kshus) adj. -The behavior of someone who owns more than you do and is proud of it. oxymoron n. - Someone who doesn't know how to use zit cream [Krioni] petritroll (pe'•tri•troll) n. - a Usenet troll that acts and types as if it were still growing in the petri dish. [Mara] prexactly (pre•zakt'•lee) adj. - Precisely the exact same thing [Snowman] propeller with ice n. - An old airconditioner [Laurie Valdes] revolving door n. - where someone comes in the room, where someone comes in the room, where someone comes in the room, where someone comes in the room, [Tom] sigh-borg n. - One who doesn't participate in a chat and then types *sigh* when he/she is ignored. [Kevin Hite] spaf adj. - affecting a state of coolness [Becky Miles] - with it, hip spaghott (spah•got') n. - The inevitable spot of tomato sauce that appears on your shirt while eating spaghetti. static n. - One who is continually asking other chatters for their "stats". [Kevin Hite] strumble v. - Tripping on something that isn't really there, causing one to look back to verify that there was nothing there. [Cheryl Hoffman] tator tot (ta''•ter tot') n. - A two year old potato. [Derek Peters] tubercolloquialism (too•ber'•ko•lo''•kwee•ahl•izm) n. - A colloquialism that you pick up from somebody by being in close proximity with them. [Michael Rais] vulturing (vul'•ture•ing) v. - The act performed by a pet when it sits on a high surface and stares down at you unblinkingly. wok • n. - What you thwow at a wabbit [Ross]